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Online Team Building Events
Organize an exciting team building event for your remote company in a couple of minutes.
How it works
Only your team
Team building events proceed automatically, without the participation of our workers. Your team can relax and feel free.
Easy planning
To schedule a team building event, all you need is to select the list of games and the desired time – Remotion will do the rest by itself.
Team building
Our focus is team building, lowering communication barriers, fun and informal communication.
Access code
Robodogs revoult
Squid game
We are in BETA
We don't have a public version of Remotion yet. Leave us your email, and we will send you a FREE access soon:
  • Vlad Prudnikov
    Previously, we organized online team building events on our own: we played Alias, "Two Truths, One Lie" and just talked. We recently tried Remotion - and it's really a godsend for us. Firstly, we solved the problem of monotony: the platform offers new scenarios every time. Secondly, we began to save time on organization: you no longer need to invent games and somehow seriously prepare. We don’t need to spend a whole day to have a funny evening with our staff. Thirdly, team building is now more dynamic: thanks to automation, in the same 2 hours we have time to play more, chat and have fun.